Thursday, February 23, 2012

Project 52 Week 8: Cabin Fever

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

Well, I can't say that we've really had cabin fever this winter.  Although it snowed on Sunday night, today was 70 degrees!  And we've had several days like that.  But on the day pictured below, it was dreary.  And rainy.  And cold.  And it was on the weekend - which makes it even worse.  Going outside to play was not an option ... and so I guess a little 'cabin fever' did set in.  But that's over now and we are back outside playing soccer and football in the front yard!  

Can't wait to see how everyone else dealt with their 'cabin fever' this week!  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

IHF {Hugs & Kisses}

She just LOVES her little brother!!  And he just adores her!

Jump over to to see more "hugs & kisses"!

Photo Challenge Submission

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Project 52 Week 7: True Love


Boy, this week was hard (I feel like I keep saying this!).   I wanted a picture of my 2 year old son hugging our dog, but that just didn't happen.. at least not while I was ready to snap the picture.  Or, I would have liked a photo of my oldest daughter comforting her little brother after he bumped his head.  So sweet, but again, no camera.  

I decided to take some pictures of my daughters, but I questioned whether or not I was truly demonstrating the theme.  After all, they fight like crazy.  There are those rare moments, though, when I witness the true love they have for each other.  They are sisters, bonded forever.  And it is my wish and my belief they'll be the best of friends as time goes on and will love looking back on this photo.  

Or maybe I should have just stuck with the hearts below... ?

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

Sunday, February 12, 2012

IHF {Heart}

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!  Oooo... how I LOVE Valentine's Day!  I love reading the cards that my kids bring home from school.  I love the candy conversation hearts!  I love that my beautiful girl has her birthday just before this fun day!  My best valentine gift ever!  And...we always get to celebrate with a heart theme!  This year, instead of a cake... heart-shaped donuts!  Happy Birthday to my sweet valentine!

Check out more "Hearts" at!  

Photo Challenge Submission

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Project 52 Week 6: Drink Up


It is Week 6 of Darcy's Project 52 and I am still committed!  It is so much fun and it is forcing me to step out of my comfort zone quite a bit.  The prompt for this week is 'drink up'.  I really wanted to make some sort of fancy, fruity, tropical,  drink or a steamy, whipped coffee beverage (not that I can really make either one), but it just didn't happen.  What did happen was that I found pretty good deal on a pretty good Pinot Noir.  I couldn't resist buying in bulk (ok, well, just 3 bottles)! 

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Project 52 Week 5: Shadows

This week's theme over at is Shadows.  This sounded easy enough at first, but as I got into it, I realized the challenge really lied within the creativity.  My first attempt was a boring shadow of myself holding a camera.  I am sure this would have been be fine, but I wanted to keep trying.  A few of my other attempts involved a plastic flower and a pinecone.  Those weren't so good either.  Here are my best attempts, but I still think I can improve...

Other attempts:  

I really think I should have included a portion of my son with his shadow.  These just seem a little creepy by themselves to me for some reason!

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge