Before Matthew was born, I wasn't sure how Emily would take to becoming a big sister and not being the youngest anymore. And to complicate it even more, I was having a boy! We all thought he'd be a girl since I already had two girls. We were all a little shocked! But since he was born (he is almost 2 now!), she has been an AMAZING big sister...
This picture exemplifies their special friendship. She is always trying to make him laugh or smile and she can make him laugh like no one else. They dance, play and read together. They love being just plain silly together. Emily could entertain him for hours. She kisses his boo boos when he is hurt and hugs him if he is sad. I now know that she was meant to be his big sister. I love watching the bond between them grow each and every day!
Be sure to head over to to check out more awesome 'friendship' photos!